Friday, February 28, 2014

SeasoNail : Nail Art for every season

Because SUMMER is almost here, I've decided to put up this useful blog for the ladies out there searching for nail art inspiration. I'm also a nail art addict, so I think I'll be spending more time with you guys than my other blogs :)

Here are some pictures I have chosen over the internet for you guys to get some color and art inspiration. So hope you gals will love this :)

 *** This one is great for that bonfire in the beach. Love how the bright colors will shine through the darkness and light of the fire. The base coat can also be changed with white. ( )


*** Floral, floral, floral... who does not like flowers on their nails. There so many designs to make so many shades to mix up. What is summer without the flowers? ( )


*** This ombre is very "summer" in combination. It is like the sunset you always watch at the beach. ( )


*** It takes a lot of work and patience with this nail art. Ocean in your nails, who would not love that! ( )

*** The sailor just arrived. One of my favorite designs and color combination. ( )

*** Don't forget the bright colors. One shade, simple but beautiful. Or you can add some glitter dust or rhinestones. ( )

*** Tribal? We always see it as a tattoo. But I think tribal nails is gonna rock your summer! ( )

Don't forget to leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.